Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014


Da Pilipins Is One Of The Most Racist Countries On Earth

Thank God, somebody from GMA News have already written this type of article which was once being isolated to mostly realist websites in the country. Some people are familiar with Anti Pinoy especially this article discussing the rudeness of the Filipinos. As expected, it have received a lot of negative response from Filipinos, but several defended the article as true and without biases. Thanks to Washington Post, at last this type of news became mainstream at last for our local media.
To read the article, click here. Seriously, I am not surprised to hear that. Filipinos are racists on other cultures. If you look the Taiwan crisis today, you will see some comments that can be categorised as racist towards the Taiwanese, same goes with Malaysians and the Chinese. The big question is: why do Filipinos tolerate racism at a young age?  The answer lies on our childhood experiences.
When we are kids, when we see a person of either Arabic or Indian descent, we are told that they have bad breath and body odour, when we see or hear a person speaking Visayan, we will laugh at them and make fun of their accents, when we see Muslim people, we say murderers, terrorists or Abu Sayyaf in front of them, when we see black people, we say nigger so on and so forth. Sadly, this type of stereotyping are passed from generation to generation.
Is there a problem about our values? Yes, there are lots of issues like scaring us with some stupid bullshit to follow them, conformity, half truths and their apparent consumerism. These values have probably molded the majority into narrow-minded, racially and religiously intolerant people.  Take example from Nancy Binay. I hate Nancy because she is incompetent for the job and avoiding debates but some people are making fun of her skin.  I consider this criticism as childish and immature.
Sigmund Freud will be scratching his head of the causes why the majority of the people in the Philippines have turned into a bunch of racist fuckwats. But when a foreigner makes, writes or speaks a negative remark about our country, we will cry racism and demand a public apology. Sometimes, we labelled these folks as persona non grata. Most Filipinos will not even give a shit about thinking. They will even organise protests because of the ‘defamation’ of the Filipino ‘race’.
Education also plays a role for this problem. The current educational system of the Philippines is backward compared to other countries. We lack teachers, facilities, educational tools but most of all teachers who can teach children critical thinking and an unbiased view of our history. Most of our history textbooks are either authored by Teodoro Agoncillo or Gregeorio Zaide. The former was known for his primitivistic view of the Filipino society and staunch anti-foreign attitude and the latter was known for his anti-Spanish but pro American stance.
These two factors combined with our dysfunctional family values and lack of regard for thinking and the tolerance of the media regarding this issue, have resulted into a twisted version of our history and the world. Most Filipinos still believe that we are being exploited by American ‘imperialists’ and other foreign powers. I am not surprised in this revelation because I already knew it for some time. Our education needs a hell of overhaul to prevent the future generations to become ignorant, racial and religiously intolerant douchebags.
I repeat race was already debunked by the Human Genome Project. The concept of sub species were made by white supremacists to justify the slave trade and denying emancipation to the Africans. I can clearly say that majority do not know the definition of satire and sarcasm and most of us are a bunch of insecure people. Why? Insecurity is a product of low intellectual capacity, and the Filipinos have an eventual habit of disregarding rationality.
The sad thing is these idiots always win. They pressure media giants and companies to apologise to them, they are always forced to apologise. After that what now? There are still a lot of baboons in our government and clergy, stupid masses voting stupid people, extreme poverty, political incompetence, a biased media and our short term happiness with Pinoy Pride.  The Filipinos are like sending this message to the world.
Filipinos are the only ones that can be racists and we justified the derogatory remarks against Indians, Chinese etc but when we face the same insults, we will act like a bunch of pathetic crybabies. We are always getting butthurt when hearing the truth. Here is an example of that type of Filipino:
“This is dumb. Filipinos are the least racist people that I know. There is no such thing as racially motivated crime here at all, and Filipinos are all too willing to help other people of different races or backgrounds as long as they are nice.”
This guy is a total denier of reality. He probably smokes “katol” to escape the hard, painful and cold reality of our society. Majority of the Filipinos are also acting like that guy. The guy even pointed out that Westernisation is bad. Seriously, does this guy knows what he is talking about?
Take Japan for example. They were a feudal backwater before the arrival of Commodore Perry at Edo, literally at the Shogun’s doorstep and demanded opening the country for trade. The Japanese gave in and they also signed treaties with other foreign powers. It had a share of positive and negative changes. The modernisation of Japan helped the Satsuma and Choshu to modernise their army and navy. Thanks to the maneuverings of the Japanese liberal Ryoma Sakamoto, the Satcho alliance was formed. It was the most successful Imperial force under the banner of sonno joi (Revere The Emperor, Expel The Barbarians) and the restoration of the Emperor as the head of state.
In 1868, the Boshin War began. The Shogunate attempted to mobilise its modernised army and navy in an offensive. They suffered a catastrophic defeat at the battle of Toba Fushimi, where the smaller Imperial army drove the Shogunate out of Kyoto and Osaka. Edo fell quickly and the remnants of the Shogunate Army had either joined the Northern Alliance or Vice Admiral Takeaki Enomoto. The Northen Alliance was crushed swiftly but Enomoto’s Republic of Ezo lasted until 1869. The Meiji era was the era that had shaped and modernised Japan after that war.
Back to the topic, majority of the people in this country are nothing but sheer hypocrites. Some people will defend the defects and turn the other way around. Arguments like “what did you do for your country” are so common that it is so easy to refute and humiliate the people who used that argument. Some argued that it is a hindrance to change. Seriously most Filipinos are resistant to change, they exhibit an anti intellectual and anti progress mentality, so the latter argument is pointless. Looks like Filipinos prefer ignorance than rationality at all.
So to Filipinos who are butthurt with racial jokes, consider this. You are also racist. Everyone is a little bit racist. Do you think that you have fooled them? No they are only pitying us because of our desperation to stand out in the rest of the world. We are always forcing our country to stand out, but how many times did we smashed the flagpole because we are making our own humiliation that the international community will just laugh at? Respect is not demanded, it is earned. Accept the reality that we are currently the Sick Man of Asia, lagging behind the progress of the world.
It is the time to reconsider our values and culture, and if necessary discard the ones that are anti progress and anti intellectual. The world is changing very fast and we cannot cope up with the march of civilisation. The Filipinos need a rebirth, a Renaissance, an Enlightenment. I see you guys on my next article. This song by Avenue Q fits the article correctly:

By A Chronicle of the Da Pinoys and Da Coconut Repablik of Da Pilipins


why we became a racist if you ask me why we became racist, for my point of view is
1) inferiority complex due to colonial master. Spanish is not a good colonial master, there treatment to us, and there attitude of pointing fingers is one thing that stick into our mind. We tend to point somebody if there are failures…..the power of the church centralize all the power within the state serves also the attitude of filipino that if you are in the central seat of power in the Philippines you belong to the elites. This is a classic example of you came from the visayas or mindanao or even a indigenious group of people you are in lower bottom of the society. It is been a practice for a long time. Thank god that the americans arrived but they also are not a good colonizer either but at least they gave us education.
2) Communism and anti-western propaganda…..since the dawn of the communism in the philippines, filipinos slowly hate western people. especially the propaganda of the government against communism and in return the counter propaganda of the communism against the western people….filipinos bended and started to hate western people…..
3) We are divided by dialects and border….philippines is a country with many ethnic group. with a sea apart it is very hard to communicate without a proper infrastructure.atleast today we have the means to communicate even without leaving one place. and intermarriage between ethnic groups is open today than 30 years before so gap of not knowing each other is slowly getting thinner.
4) Religion this is the factor that there has been a strife between the ethnic groups since the spanish era….catholics before is very different as of today.
5) Big gap in the society, poor vs rich people this one is also the factor….
6) Lets admit we were once a bully, copied from our colonial master…..we were once 2 most economically stable next only to japan….we had a mighty armed forces you can ask our grandparents for this one.
So I could say that I believe the article 50%, I agree that filipinos are racist especially toward other filipinos especially living in Manila. But I agree with the statement
“This is dumb. Filipinos are the least racist people that I know. There is no such thing as racially motivated crime here at all, and Filipinos are all too willing to help other people of different races or backgrounds as long as they are nice.”
Why, majority of the filipinos due to various conflicts that we encounter we learn the word RESPECT. If other citizen knows how to respect us, then we will respect in return. Even towards other ethnic group in the philippines. But yes there are many pain in the ass filipino that do not know respect.